Monday, October 26, 2009

Thrill the world





Yesterday (October 25) was the annual "Thrill the World" danceoff. This is an event where organizers try to have as many people around the world, dancing at the same time, the line/theme dance to Michael Jackson's "Thriller." This year was a tribute to MJ since he died this past summer.

Nineteen high school students (including one of their teachers), practiced and prepared for about two weeks and then gathered at the appointed time . . . 8:30 a.m. While the number doesn't look that impressive, it's important to note that midterms are this week. High school exams are incredibly difficult and extra-curricular activities such as these are very discouraged.

These kids took their dance very seriously. It was videotaped and two "official" witnesses were on hand (I was one of them). The international event is definitely organized by lawyers! Each year, they want more and more participants in order to set a world record. (Last year, Austin, TX had 861 dancers!)

For more details on the event itself, you can go to

(For extra laughs, take a good look at the bystanders. They have this look of "What in the world are these kids doing?" on their faces. Additionally, it turns out that bystanders were segregated by gender . . . men on one side, women on the other. This is primarily due to the interruption of their morning exercise routines!
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