Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The lilacs are bloomin'





The purple lilacs are in full bloom and everyone says they smell terrific. I can't smell them at all. It seems that my nose doesn't detect nice floral scents. It has no problems picking up the nice nasty scents to too frequently come my way!

At any rate, the purple lilacs are first, followed by the pink lilacs. They really are tiny little flowers, but my camera does a good job zooming in on them.

Spring is aaaaaaallllllllmost here! We have an uncharacteristic rain system moving through our area this week. It has literally rained for over 12 hours. Considering that that's more moisture than we've had in the past four months combined, it's quite newsworthy! It's all anyone is talking about. We're trying not to complain since we so desperately need the rain.
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