Monday, March 15, 2010

Half as much work means half as much fun


I've always wondered why every construction crew in the world seems to always have some people working and some people just . . . ahem, . . . watching.

I joined the peanut gallery on this one. This picture was taken from the second floor window in the stairwell of my building. The work is about 25 feet from the building door. As I watched the guys, it struck me again (no pun intended), at how much physical labor a lot of people put in each day. Dang . . . that sledge hammer looks like it's heavy!

After a while, the three guys working stopped and took a break and the three watchers took over the work. Now it made sense . . . by having two crews there, you end up with a continuous work force.

In spite of China's advances (and there are many), it is still a developing nation. Sights like this are so extremely common, especially in my neck of the country.
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