Monday, March 8, 2010

School Daze


Classes started up again this week after a long winter break. The first week is always hard, especially for people who most likely haven't spoken a word of English since their final exams back in December!

My goal was to get my students into a teamworking atmosphere. I had them build pyramids out of cups . . . using yarn on rubber bands! It emphasized the point that while one person can easily build the pyramid using their hands, that it took skill and teamwork to do the same activity using different tools. Language point? It's easy to speak in your mother tongue, but it takes skill and teamwork to have a conversation in a second language. I think the exercise got the point across very clearly.

By the way, the man on the right side of the photo is only one year younger than me. When I first saw him, I thought that I might have finally gotten a student older than me . . . but not this time!
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