Tuesday, September 29, 2009

(I've been having trouble with blogspot and for the life of me, I can't figure out what's wrong! Every time I post photos, they come up as java script! I'm now trying Explorer instead of Firefox. Nope, that didn't work either. Perhaps only two photos instead of four! I give up. Use your imagination for now until I get the photo bugs worked out!)

Each morning, I typically take a two mile power walk around the track on campus. I don't stop to "smell the roses" as the purpose behind the walk is to burn some calories.

However, I allow myself to sleep in a bit on Saturdays and try to get my walk in elsewhere during the day. This past weekend, I had to go pick up my new glasses (Yes! I can see clearly now!) so I walked the mile down to the store. I then walked another mile to the open market and noticed that street decorations were going up for National Day.

The pictures show workers preparing flags to be mounted on street lamp poles. What's interesting is that at one point, they are trying to keep the flags from being on the ground, but apparently, they didn't have enough plastic to protect all the flags. Therefore, some of them are on the ground anyway. I think passers-by were mildly horrified, but at the same time, understanding of the limitations the workers were under.

The entire street is now lined with flags . . . it's quite amazing to see!


Carolyn NC said...

Hopefully, you'll get the bugs worked out and the pictures will post!