Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween masks


I spent the last fifteen minutes of each class this week talking about Halloween. I stick with the very innocent parts . . . masks, costumes and candy. The students howled with laughter when I popped up from behind the desk wearing a red Superhero mask with a gold cape!

Tonight was movie night and we very appropriately showed, "Monsters, Inc." I asked the students to make a mask or wear a costume. That part of the evening didn't go over too well as there were only five students who did so . . . out of almost 200! However, I let the audience choose the winners (the girl in the red mask and the Hello Kitty mask) and we were all happy.

The students loved seeing my kids and I in costume! Michael was a big hit with his Ninja self and Rachel wowed everyone with her makeup. It sure was tough getting that stuff off her face, though.

Minnie Mouse ears with sparkles go over very well here in China. My whiskers and nose, along with the ears, generated a lot startled looks and stares as I walked across campus. I have no shame.

Happy Halloween!
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