Monday, October 5, 2009

Food . . .




There is no doubt that China is a "Food Nation." Like anywhere else, food plays an important role in celebrations, both big and small.

"Eight Treasure Tea" is somewhat common and contains green tea and various kinds of nuts, berries and flowers. I've usually had it with sugar, but this particular restaurant didn't provide any sugar . . . I thought it was rather brittle.

Noodles are big . . . literally, big! . . . in China. Many noodle places make their own (and yes, they are hand-pulled) but for those places who don't have the time or space to make their own, delivery is provided. This is a huge outdoor delivery of dried noodles on a scale outside an extremely popular Muslim restaurant in the area.

Pumpkin seeds are fun to chew on and spitting the shells is a national sport. This is a truckload of burlap sacks of pumpking seeds being delivered to a local market.
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Carolyn NC said...

All of your pictures are fantastic!

Valorie said...

Thanks for the link to your blog! I didn't know you had one, but now I'm all caught up. I'll be checking in now and then to see your "pictures painting words." Today's photos were an especially appropriate beginning for viewing your blog: I had lunch this afternoon at a Mandarin restaurant with the owner of my favorite tea shop. I had Flounder in Black Bean Sauce on a bed of asparagus. No pictures, but it was quite good.