Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm so tired I could just fall out of bed!



It's gotten COLD in our neck of the woods at night . . . this morning, we woke up to 18 degrees . . . Fahrenheit! Brrrr. While the heat got turned on yesterday, it wasn't working in the bedrooms. Michael decided he wanted to sleep out on the sofa. He snuggled into his "nest" in his bug blanket (snug as a bug in a rug!) and a fuzzy blanket and quickly fell asleep.

Later, as I was working, I heard some rustling sounds and turned to see that Michael had fallen off the sofa and was on the floor! He never woke up. I took the pictures and left him there. Later, when I checked on Rachel (coughing) and gave her some medicine, I checked on Michael as well . . . he was back on the sofa!

The workmen came today and bled all the radiator lines so now we have full heat in the apartment. We are very grateful and Michael is back in his bed!
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