Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Yup, it's cold!


After a three-week break (due to pneumonia and extremely frigid temperatures), I started my morning walks again. The temp wasn't too bad . . . about 20 degrees (F) and the wind wasn't blowing. However, I made sure I had my hat, ear warmers, gloves and face mask.

Face masks have evolved into a major fashion item! Just two years ago, they were pretty much all white, with the occasional "gangster" black. This year, you can get all kinds of designs, sequins, rhinestones, etc. Even the guys have a selection now!

At any rate, I walked a mile . . . my lungs still hurt sometimes . . . and it felt great! I'll continue with one mile this week and increase it to two miles next week.

(And yes, I love purple!)
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