Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cherub Choir




After a long and exhausting week, the kids and I, along with Michelle and her two daughters, performed tonight at the Graduate School Winter Program. We didn't know that the performance was today (December 12), until Monday. Then there was lots of back and forth over practices and rehearsals. The dress rehearsal was Wednesday morning at 8:00 . . . when all the kids are in school and I'm in class! Needless to say, we didn't make that one.

We were asked to be at the performance hall at 8:30 on Saturday to go over our music on stage. We were there at 8:15, but the doors weren't opened until close to 9:00. Fortunately, they let us practice first and then we got to go home.

Back at 2:00 for one more run through with all the acts and then waited for the 4:00 start time. It was so cute when the kids walked on stage as there was a collective "Awwwwwww" over how adorable they looked! Especially the littlest one!

We had to wait until the end of the show in order to take a bow with everyone. Michael couldn't (and didn't) wait that long and bolted immediately after we were done. Following the final curtain call, everyone mobbed the stage to take pictures with the cute foreign kids. Many of the other performers were my students so the paparazzi flash cubes were non-stop.

In spite of the exhaustion, it was indeed fun. Performances like this are a big deal here and our participation contributes to relationship building all around.
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