Wednesday, December 23, 2009

It might be Christmas, but . . .



Chinese New Year is still the dominant holiday floating around.

In 2010, Chinese New Year (or "Spring Festival" as it's known in Chinese) is on February 14. Tibetan New Year is also n February 14. The United States' Presidents Day is February 15. Mardi Gras in February 16. Ash Wednesday is February 17. Get the picture? Lots of festivities abound!

Christmas in China is typically a one-day affair. There are limited decorations, although one nearby market is playing Christmas music all day long! It's quite surprising to hear Madonna's "Santa Baby" or "Feliz Navidad" blaring in a Chinese mall!

At any rate, some shops have a Santa or a tree displayed, but that's the extent of the decorations. However, the Chinese New Year (CNY) are already coming out!

Traditionally, China starts to prepare for CNY right after the calendar new year (January 1). Some places are getting a head start. The upcoming year is the Year of the Tiger, so the most common thing I will see for the next seven weeks are little (and big) tigers everywhere! Stuffed tigers, paper tigers, ceramic tigers, tiger masks, tiger gloves . . . tiger, tiger, tiger! This shop already had their tigers up and ready for sale!
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