Sunday, October 17, 2010

Judging a book by its cover


I don't normally call out "Chinglish" because I know my own written Chinese is absolutely atrocious! However, when I saw this book in the local foreign language book store, I literally groaned out loud. "No, tell me they didn't publish this book with this on the cover!"

The book is shrink-wrapped, so I couldn't open it to peruse the contents. However, this is one case in which I would absolutely judge the book by its cover and not buy it.
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Anonymous said...

The Chinese is wrong too!

Val said...

Well, perhaps they were thinking pronunciation, not spelling! You can't hear the "t" in "perfectly." as most people pronounce it. But, the spelling is atrocious, so who knows what the author/publisher was thinking! It is hard to find good books for studying another language. How do I know if I'm being taught correctly when the book is in another language? =)