Monday, October 4, 2010

Procrastination . . .

I should be working on lesson plans. I took a nap instead. Then, when I got up, I decided to putter around with my blog. I don't write much in it, and quite frankly, I was a bit bored with my template. It's one of those included in the package called Blogspot, but a friend of mine recently started a blog (See "A Life in China") and she rocked her template with something really cool! Therefore, I spent too much time searching for "just the right" template for me!

This one is called "Ink and Wash" and seems appropriate for someone who calls herself "WriteCards." I STILL have a passion for inks and papers, but lack the time to do anything with that passion. I try to exercise creativity via knitting and cross stitch, but at times, I truly wish to have ink-stained hands again.

Sometimes, I miss having a paper journal. I do carry a notebook around with me everywhere in which I jot notes for journal entries later on. I am much more efficient on a computer and of course, using a computer takes up much less space. But the nostalgic part of me wishes for those brocade covered blank books I used to spend hours writing in.

At any rate, I had a peaceful afternoon and I have a few more days before classes begin again (we're on National Day holiday), so I'm not too far behind.