Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Music in the park




I live across the street from a decent-sized public square. In the mornings, you can see people out there doing tai qi and the Chinese version of line dancing and in the evenings and on weekends, you can see kids out there roller blading.

However, what I enjoy is when this group gathers and performs Beijing Opera. (Well, I *think* it's Beijing Opera, but truth be told, it could be any of the other branches of opera here in China. I can't tell the difference when there are no masks!)

At any rate, there are usually singers and musicians and lots of people watching. ("Lots" is a relative term.) I've seen the lady on the right in some other performances, but this is the first time I've seen the woman on the left. She had a really expressive face.

The regular attendees in the audience are usually senior citizens. It's almost like an outdoor community center. I'll miss them when the weather is too cold for them to come out.
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