Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hike Part 1





Our temperatures are typically below freezing, so we I read the forecast that the high was going to be 44-46 F, I immediately planned an outdoor activity! That's a heatwave for this time of year.

I had invited a group of women to join me for a day on the town in order to take pictures and ride different buses just to see where they ended and to take a hike. I had a few express interest in doing so, but when the day came, they all bailed out on me! Rather than give up the idea (I really wanted to get out), I asked Rachel if she wanted to join me. We decided not to do everything, but to take in the hike.

Unbeknownst to me, my camera lense had a smudge/spot on it, so some of my photos have a black spot on them Boo hoo.

At any rate, we hopped a bus and got off at the appropriate location. I had seen this trail from the bus before, but had never investigated it. The top photo is the entire area of what we were going to climb. Fortunately, it was almost all steps.

Photo 2 is the entrance to the climbing area. Photo 3 shows the first half of the climb with photo 4 showing the steepness of the incline.
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