Sunday, January 3, 2010

I'm a big, big girl in a big, big world . . .



Poor little kitty. There are a few cats roaming around campus and most of them seem to be well cared for, so they simply must be out for the day or whatever. One of my favorites is a white cat who seems to sit in the same patch of grass every day, just watching the world go by.

This cat, though, was literally up a tree. She looked very worried . . . and she should be! That is one very big dog! I haven't ever seen a German Shepherd in China as most household pets (dogs or cats) are rather small, due to the size of apartments, etc. I've seen this dog, though, and several times, he even has on a "Police" vest. I doubt very seriously that he is a K-9 canine, but that the owner found this accessory and thougt it fitting. Most people are petrified of him!

As far as other large dogs go, someone in our building owns a dalmation and another family has two golden retrievers. (Actually, if you look closely, you can see a golden retriever in the background of the second photo. I haven't seen this family before.) They often go out together for walks. It's amazing, though, at how people walk as far away from them as possible. All three of them are sweet dogs (I've pet them), but the dalmation is quite frisky! But then again, I see people also giving the "little rat dogs" (chihuahuas) wide berths as well! It seems there are more people afraid of dogs over here than I saw in the States.
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Anonymous said...

Aw, poor cat. At least dogs can't climb trees.

This post makes me a little sad. I'm a big dog fancier. I just love them. Hmm, did that come out right? I meant, while I like small breeds, it's the big breeds that have captured my heart. I've had two Dobermans, a dog with a terrible reputation, but actually very, very sweet in my experience. (Though they are very protective, so...)

When I move from Los Angeles to Massachusetts, I plan on getting a Portuguese Water Dog or two. This breed was made famous by the US Presidential family getting one. I've loved them for years & plan on living near water, so it's the perfect breed for me at this point.