Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Shopping Redefined . . .





Shopping in China can be quite a challenge. Bargaining is part of the culture unless you are shopping in overpriced malls.

One of my absolutely most favorite places to go shopping is a wholesale market in the east of town. I am not there in the mornings (it takes an hour to get there by bus), but this particular day, I got there early enough to see the delivery trucks come in.

These trucks drive into this huge outdoor area and the various shops come and collect their goods. Then, people from the surrounding provinces come in and buy from the shops. This particular day, I was in the market for yarn (I'm learning how to knit!) . . . you can see some of the yarn shops in the background of the second photo.

It's not luxury shopping. In fact, it can be hard work! However, it's also quite a bit of fun to see what treasures you can find and discover. I'm developing relationships with a few of the women in the craft shops and they readily sit down to teach me things. My only regret is that I live so far away from this particular market that I can't get out there too often.

(Take a look at the sidewalk and how cracked it is . . . more about that in another post.)
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